To help spread kindness far and wide, The Diana Award and Smiggle have created a Choose Kindness keyring with all proceeds going to The Diana Award Anti-Bullying Programme.
The Choose Kindness keyrings are just £1 each and available from Smiggle stores all over the United Kingdom, Ireland and online!
Add one to your backpack this back to school!

We believe that being kind to one another can really change the world. That’s why we’ve created a kindness chatterbox that encourages kids to make and create simple acts of kindness, like complimenting a friend or sharing a hug. By taking on these everyday acts of kindness, Smiggle and The Diana Award hope to remind kids that being kind is cool!

The Diana Award is the only charity set up in honour of late Diana, Princess of Wales, a legacy created by her belief that young people have the power to change the world.
One of the charity’s key missions is to raise awareness of bullying behaviour and support schools through their Anti-Bullying Programme. The strong peer-to-peer focused programme gives young people the skills and confidence to become Ambassadors to tackle bullying in their schools, long after the training has finished.

The Anti-Bullying Ambassador Programme is offered FREE to primary and secondary schools across the UK. There are also anti-bullying webinars, training for educators and other free resources available for schools.

Aside from raising awareness for schools, Antibullying.pro is an online resource support centre that offers solution-based information on how to tackle bullying behavior and provides support to those who are experiencing it.